#33 - Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - why is it on the rise and what can be done?

One of the leading drivers of the Healthzilla team is to prevent lifestyle disease at scale. One of these lifestyle diseases on the rise currently almost across the world is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). What is it and how can we prevent it? And if we do get it is it reversible and how? 

To help us dig into this very important topic from a scientific perspective we are joined by Dr Miina Öhman (PhD), who is a Physician Scientist and she has been studying cardiovascular and metabolic diseases for 25 years. She is also an MD and the Medical Advisor for the Healthzilla team.

The discussion topics include:

  • What is NAFLD

  • Prevalence of NAFLD across the world

  • NASH, Steatohepathitits

  • Risks and links between NAFLD, NASH, cirrhosis and liver cancer

  • Links between NAFLD and Type 2 Diabetes

  • What are the main drivers behind NAFLD?

  • What can NAFLD lead into>

  • How to avoid and/or reverse NAFLD?

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Niko Ratala